
The website (hereinafter referred to as the Website or Memby) is administered by UAB Membas, a company providing synchronous and asynchronous teaching services, legal entity code 304822697, registered at Sodžiaus g. 34, Macenių k., LT-90100 Plungės r. (hereinafter referred to as the Virtual School or the Company). 

Data about the Company are collected and stored in the Register of Legal Entities, the register manager is the state enterprise Centre of Registers. Company's VAT number is LT100007725718.

By using the Website, you agree to the Terms of Use of the Website, which can be found below. If you do not agree with these terms, unfortunately, you cannot use the Website and the services it provides.

If you have any questions regarding the terms of use of the website, privacy policy or cookies policy, you can contact us by e-mail or by phone +370 620 26987. You can also contact the Company through the interactive chat window, a link to which we provide on the Website.

Terms of Use of the Website

1. General provisions

1.1. These terms are a written document that is considered to be an agreement between the Virtual School and you (hereinafter referred to as the User) for the use of the Website, as well as rules that all Users who visit and/or use the Website and/or any of its services, including Users who have not completed their registration, must comply with (hereinafter collectively referred to as the Terms).

1.2. For the purposes of these Terms:

1.2.1. "Use of the Website" means all and any actions performed by the User when accessing the Website via telecommunications networks, including, but not limited to, web browsers (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, etc.).;

1.2.2. "Services" means the performance of all and any actions that the User may perform on the Website, including browsing (viewing, reading, etc.) the Website, participating in a discussion on a forum, asking questions through a special module installed on the Website, registering, commenting and performing all other actions on the Website.

1.3. Unless otherwise specified, the use of the Website and Services is paid for. If the provided Service is free of charge, the Users shall be informed about it separately on the Website.

1.4. The User unconditionally and irrevocably undertakes to comply with all the requirements set out in these Terms by using the Website and/or Services in any way and form. If the User does not agree to unconditionally and irrevocably assume and comply with all obligations set out in these Terms, he loses the right to use the Website and/or the Services.

1.6. Issues that are not discussed in these Terms are regulated on the basis of other terms, agreements or other documents (hereinafter – the Documents) presented on the Website. 1.4. The User unconditionally and irrevocably undertakes to comply with all the requirements set out in these Terms by using the Website and/or Services in any way and form. If the User does not agree to unconditionally and irrevocably assume and comply with all obligations set out in these Terms, he loses the right to use the Website and/or the Services.

2. Registration of users and protection of personal data

2.1 Except as provided for in Clause 2.2, use of or full access to the Website and the Services is only possible after completion of the registration on the Website. The registration procedure is carried out by clicking on the Login button on the Website, then clicking the Register button and entering the e-mail address and login password. The e-mail address is confirmed when the User clicks on the active link in the received automatic e-mail. After confirming the e-mail address, registration on the Website is continued by filling in all mandatory fields of the registration form (first name, last name, phone number, status in the system and school (gymnasium)) and optional fields at the User's choice, thus providing the Virtual School with data about himself/herself (hereinafter 'Data').

2.2. The Website may be used without the completed registration referred to in Clause 2.1. and by logging into the Website with a Facebook account. When accessing the Website for the first time using the methods specified in this Clause, a User Profile is created, as in the case of Clause 2.1., and the use of a Facebook account is not necessary for logging in later (a normal login is possible using the phone number or email address provided in Facebook, respectively).

2.3. Considering that access via Facebook account depends not only on the Company, but also on its partners, the Company does not undertake to ensure uninterrupted access to the Website when accessing via Facebook account.

2.4. By registering or logging in with the Facebook account and noting that the User has read and agreed to these Terms, the User confirms that:

2.4.1. The User has attentively and carefully read these Terms, understood them and out of his free will agrees with them and undertakes to use the Website in accordance with the procedure and conditions laid down in the Terms;

2.4.2. The Data provided are true, accurate and complete. When changing or filling in the Data about himself, the User must provide only the correct Data. The Company will perform its duties and exercise its rights under the presumption that the Data provided by the User is complete and correct. Any losses resulting from the provision of erroneous Data shall be borne by the User;

2.4.3. In the event of a change in the data provided during registration or other relevant information, the User will immediately change the data on his profile;

2.4.4. Is a legally capable natural person (or has obtained the consent of a parent or guardian) and is not under the influence of alcohol, narcotic or psychotropic substances at the time of registration;

2.4.5. Agrees that after the registering on the Website, the Data of the profile automatically created on the basis of the Data provided by the system shall be made available to other Users (except for the Data, the availability of which may be restricted by the User himself or which, in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Lithuania, may not be made public without the consent of the person himself) and that the Virtual School may not be held responsible for the use of such Data;

2.4.6. Agrees that the Company would process any personal data and/or other information provided by the User and would use it for the purposes of the implementation of these Terms, provision of the Services, direct marketing (if the User has given a separate consent), statistical and other purposes. The main principles and procedures for the collection, processing and storage of personal data are set out in the Company's privacy policy below. The Company's privacy policy is an integral part of these Terms.

2.5. By confirming the registration or logging in via Facebook account, the User confirms that he/she is at least 14 years old. If the User is under the age of 14, at the time of registration or login via the Facebook platform, he/she acknowledges that his/her parents (adoptive parents) or legal guardians have familiarized themselves with these terms and approve the registration. The User also confirms that the Website has not previously suspended the User's membership or the User's account has not been removed, and the User's registration and use of the services are in full compliance with these Terms.

2.6. A User under 14 years of age may not independently create or register his/her profile on the Website without the permission of his/her parents (adoptive parents) or legal guardians, which they have given only with full and complete knowledge of these Terms. Users aged 14 to 18 at the time of registration confirm that at least one parent (adoptive parent) or legal guardian has reviewed and agrees with these Terms. If a User under 14 years of age started the registration without the consent of the parents (adoptive parents) or legal guardians, the registration process may be suspended until the parents (adoptive parents) or legal guardians approve their registration. Persons under the age of 14 are allowed to use the services if the Virtual School reasonably believes that the registration of a person under the age of 14 has been approved by his or her parents (adoptive parents) or legal guardians.

2.7. It is categorically forbidden for the User to use the identity of other persons, providing a fake first name, last name and/or other Data. The Virtual School shall have the right to prohibit the User from using the Website and/or the Services without prior and immediate notice. In the event of reasonable suspicions that such actions have caused or may have caused damage to the Virtual School and/or third parties and/or the public interest, the Company shall have the right to transfer all available Data about such User to the competent public authorities.

2.8. The User unconditionally undertakes to ensure the confidentiality of the Data and not to disclose it to third parties and to ensure that no third parties can use the Data for the purpose of using the Website and/or Services and/or for other purposes. The User shall be liable for any actions of third parties, if they are caused by the use of the User's Data, and all obligations and responsibilities arising from or related to such actions of third parties caused by the use of the User's Data shall be fully borne by the User.

2.9. The User unconditionally agrees and unequivocally confirms that he/she, and not the Virtual School, is solely responsible for the protection and confidentiality of the Data necessary for the User to access the Website or otherwise use the Services.

2.10. The provisions governing the protection of personal data are set out in the Privacy Policy below. By using the Website and/or Services, the User unconditionally and unequivocally agrees to the provisions of the Privacy Policy.

3. Rights and Obligations of the Virtual School and its Users

3.1. The User understands and agrees that if he/she wishes to receive the paid Service, he/she must first pay the Virtual School for the paid Services in accordance with the procedure indicated on the Website. The Virtual School shall have the right to unilaterally change the amount of the cost for any paid Services and the payment procedure at any time.

3.2. The Virtual School reserves the right to change the Services or their individual terms and conditions, all and any of their content, functions, as well as any information, including that provided by the User, at any time without notice to the User. The User understands and agrees that the Virtual School will never be held liable for any negative consequences caused to the User by such and other similar actions and declines to make any claims against the Virtual School for the performance of such actions.

3.3. If the User remains dissatisfied with the paid Services provided in the Virtual School, he/she may, within 2 (two) weeks from the moment of ordering and payment for the Service, apply to the Virtual School with a reasoned request for a refund of the money paid for the Service, indicating specific faults in the quality of the Service provided, which left the User dissatisfied and if in his/her opinion the Service was of poor quality. The Virtual School must respond to the User no later than within 2 (two) weeks from the date of receipt of the reasoned request. If the request is not approved, the Virtual School shall, in response to the request, state the reasons and grounds for the decision.

3.4. The Company, in order to protect the rights and legitimate interests of persons and/or to comply with the requirements of legal acts and/or the User's failure to comply with the provisions of these Terms, shall have the right to cancel the User's account and destroy all the Data received by the User during the registration without prior notice or the User's consent.

3.5. If the Virtual School finds that the User violates the obligations and/or prohibitions set out in paragraphs 3.9, 3.12 or 3.13 of these Terms, it shall have the right to cancel the User's account without prior notice or the User's consent and not to refund the price paid by the User for the Service.

3.6. The Virtual School shall have the right to restrict or suspend the User's access to the Website and/or Services at any time without stating the reasons and without prior notice for an indefinite period of time.

3.7. The Virtual School has the right to terminate the Website completely at any time without prior notice.

3.8. The User has the right to refuse to use the Website and/or Services at any time by deleting his/her Data in the manner specified in the Website. This does not release the User from the obligations assumed by the Membership. Membership shall be terminated in accordance with the procedure laid down in the Terms.

3.9. When using the Website and/or Services, the User must:

3.9.1. Strictly follow the procedure and requirements laid down in these Terms;

3.9.2. Not to violate the rights and legitimate interests of the Company and third parties;

3.9.3. Not to provide false and/or misleading data about oneself or other incorrect information;

3.9.4. Use only secure means and devices for electronic communications and data transmission;

3.9.5. Not to spread computer viruses and/or use other measures that could disrupt the operation of the Website, damage or destroy information and cause other damage to the Website or the Service provision process;

3.9.6. Observe and comply with established and accepted norms of conduct and morals, the rights and legitimate interests of third parties and the requirements of legal acts;

3.9.7. Immediately inform the Company if the User becomes aware that his/her login data is used or can be used by third parties.

3.10. The User acknowledges and agrees that he/she, and not the Virtual School, is responsible for all and any information, data, symbols, text, software, music, sounds, photographs, pictures, graphics, videos, conversations, messages, emails, documents or any other material sent or otherwise communicated by him/her through the Website and/or the Services (hereinafter 'Content').

3.11. The User is informed that the Virtual School is not obliged and is not required to provide the User with any special Content (educational materials, notes, summaries, etc.) that was used during the provision of the Service and/or was shared during the provision of the Services.

3.12. When using the Website and/or Services, the User is prohibited from:

3.12.1. Using the Website and the Services in a way that may jeopardise the proper functioning of the Website and/or the Services, their security, integrity or restrict the possibility of other persons to use the Website and/or the Services;

3.12.2. Storing, publishing, sending, distributing or in any other way transmitting any offensive, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, threatening, abusive, discriminatory or contrary to the legal requirements, as well as any other content that could violate the legal requirements, be considered to violate the norms established by the law, as well as moral norms, or promoting conduct contrary to the legal requirements or causing any legal liability to the Virtual School;

3.12.3. Sharing by any means links to any Content that may be considered profane, pornographic, offensive, threatening, abusive, discriminatory or in breach of the legal requirements;

3.12.4. When registering on the Website, choosing and/or using such username and/or part of the e-mail address that may be considered profane, pornographic, offensive, threatening, abusive, discriminatory or in breach of the legal requirements;

3.12.5. Impersonating any other person or entity, including but not limited to the Virtual School employees, or otherwise misleading about their relationship with any persons;

3.12.6. Using any automated means, including but not limited to, additional computer equipment and/or software to improve the results of games and/or competitions organised on the Website;

3.12.7. Independently organizing competitions or advertising products and/or services of any kind;

3.12.8. interfering with the normal course of communication of other Users using the Services, influencing other Users and their well-being in any other way, preventing them from exchanging Content.

3.13. In addition, the User undertakes not to use the Website and/or Services:

3.13.1. To perform any actions that could harm to any persons, their property or their legitimate interests;

3.13.2. To distribute information that is prohibited by law, offensive, deceptive, threatening, violating the rights of individuals or other Content of a similar nature;

3.13.3. To infringe upon the rights of persons to intellectual property, including property copyrights, patents, trade or industrial secrets or trademark rights;

3.13.4. To advertise any goods and/or services, as well as to send any unsolicited e-mails, messages, notifications or other Content.

3.14. The User understands and agrees that the Virtual School has no control over the Content of other Users or third parties that the User may receive, read or otherwise become aware of through the use of the Website and the Services, therefore the Virtual School does not ensure the accuracy, integrity and/or quality of such Content.

3.15. The User understands and agrees that by using the Website and Services, he/she is not and cannot be protected from offensive, obscene or other content that may adversely affect the User.

3.15.1. Will be true, accurate and not deceptive or otherwise misleading;

3.15.2. Will not violate the rights of the Virtual School or third parties, including, but not limited to intellectual property rights, trade secret rights, rights to the inviolability of a person's private life, etc.;

3.15.3. Will not violate the legal requirements or other legal acts;

3.15.4. Will not create any legal obligations for the Virtual School.

3.16. The User is informed and understands that all the above requirements and prohibitions on the User's actions and/or behavior apply not only in the Virtual School, but also on all other external channels and/or platforms, which are managed by or participate in (have an account, page on) the Virtual School and to which the User has access due to membership in the Virtual School or by using the information provided by the Virtual School. If it is established that the User does not comply with the requirements of these Terms on other external channels and/or platforms managed by or participating in (having an account, page on) the Virtual School and to which the User has access due to membership in the Virtual School or by using the information provided by the Virtual School, the Virtual School shall have the right to use the measures described in paragraphs 3.5.-3.7. at any time.

3.17. The User understands that he/she, and not the Virtual School, is responsible for all and any Content sent, viewed, stored or distributed by the User through the Website and/or Services.

3.18. Virtual School reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to delete and modify any User's comments without notifying him/her.

3.19. The Virtual School and the User agree that if the User violates any of the provisions of these Terms, the Virtual School shall have the right to restrict the User's ability to use the Website and/or all or any of the Services in any way at any time, in whole or in part, and to claim damages.

3.20. The Virtual School may provide Users with access to certain features and tools of the Website that allow the User to grant access to the Tutor to their account. This function is intended to enable the User to give any other user of the Website (hereinafter 'Tutor') the access to review his/her activities on the Memby, in order to enable Tutor to provide appropriate and targeted advice and training to the User, taking into account the User's performance indicators, who has granted him/her access. For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions, 'Tutor' means any other Virtual School User who has been granted access to any other User's account.

3.21. The Tutor, as well as the User, shall be subject to all the provisions specified in these Terms. Once access to the User account has been obtained, the functions and tools provided to the Tutor may only be used to provide appropriate training, coaching or other educational support to the registered User of the Virtual School with an account created and existing under these Terms. The Tutor is prohibited from creating and registering an account for another User. It should be explained to the Tutor and he/she understands that the registration and creation of an account of a person under the age of 14 requires the consent of his/her parents (adoptive parents) or legal guardians, therefore the Tutor cannot give his/her consent for the registration and creation of an account instead of parents (adoptive parents) or legal guardians for a person under the age of 14.

4 Protection of intellectual property

4.1. All rights to the Website and its works are protected by the laws and other legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania. It is strictly forbidden to copy texts, photographs, logos, banners and all other design elements in order to use them for commercial or other purposes that violate the rights and legitimate interests of the Company or third parties.

4.2. All trademarks that appear on the Website are the property of the Virtual School or are used by the Virtual School on the basis of agreements or other legal transactions concluded with the rightful owners of the trademarks.

5. Links to other sites

5.1. This Website may contain links to other websites that will allow the User to leave this Website in order to obtain third party information, or third party information may be provided on this Website (hereinafter 'Linked Sites').

5.2. The Company cannot modify, update or control the content of the Linked Sites and therefore accepts no responsibility for the correctness of the content contained therein.

5.3. The User should note that the Linked Sites may be subject to different terms and conditions from the Site, privacy policy, cookie policy, handling of personal data and other rules.

6. Responsibilities of the Virtual School

6.1. The Virtual School does not undertake to ensure the uninterrupted operation of this Website and/or the provision of the Services, as their operation (provision) may also be affected by factors that are independent of the will of the Virtual School. The Virtual School undertakes to make every reasonable effort to ensure the smooth operation of the Website and the provision of the Services, but in all cases shall not be liable for the consequences resulting from the aforementioned malfunctions.

6.2. In cases where for reasons beyond the control of the User and the Virtual School or other circumstances the User is unable to use the paid Service in a synchronous manner (in real time), the Virtual School undertakes to provide the User with an equivalent paid Service in an asynchronous manner (video).

6.3. Unless otherwise provided for by the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania and these Terms, the Virtual School is not and will not be responsible for the disruption of the Website and/or the provision of the Services and the resulting loss or damage suffered by the User or third parties.

6.4. Cases where the Virtual School temporarily, but not longer than for 24 (twenty four) hours, restricts access to the Site due to repairs, improvements and other similar cases and if the Virtual School will inform the User no later than 2 (two) calendar days in advance of such cases it will not be considered a malfunction of the Website.

6.5. The User understands and agrees that, unless otherwise provided for by the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania and these Terms, the Services shall be provided without any confirmation or guarantee that the Website will function and the Services will be provided properly and in a timely manner, without disruption, in a qualitative manner, in full or that this will not result in any negative consequences for the User or third parties.

6.6. The Virtual School shall not be liable for any damages and/or losses that the User may suffer as a result of using the Website and/or Services and uploading, sending, transmitting or making publicly available any Content in any other way.

6.7. The User understands and agrees that the Virtual School will not be responsible for any Content accessed by the User or other third parties while the User is using the Website and/or the Services, including, but not limited to, any errors or inconsistencies in such Content, loss or damage caused by the publication, receipt, sending or other transmission of the relevant Content or such Content while using the Services.

6.8. The Virtual School does not guarantee that the Website will function properly and without interruption on the device used by the User, (computer, smartphone, etc.) and that its Content will be presented correctly.

6.9. The User understands and agrees that, unless otherwise provided for by the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania and these Terms, the Virtual School can never and for no reason be held liable for all and any of its actions or omissions related to the User's use of the Website and/or Services and compliance with these Terms. The User assumes full responsibility for any damages or losses that he/she or third parties may suffer in any way from the use of the Website and/or the Services.

6.10. The User undertakes to ensure that the Virtual School will never incur any legal liability, obligation to pay, compensate or otherwise indemnify for any losses, damages or other expenses resulting from the User's use of the Website and/or Services.

7. Use and billing of the Services

7.1. In order to use the paid Services, the User must choose one of the Service packages provided on the Website, thus purchasing the membership of Memby (hereinafter 'Membership').

7.2. Membership is available for an indefinite period, except in the cases specified in the Terms, and until it is terminated in accordance with the procedure specified in the Terms. Membership may be suspended in the cases specified in the Terms.

7.3. The User may choose an indefinite Membership with no minimum commitment period to use the Service Package purchased (hereinafter 'Membership without a Plan') or a Membership with a minimum commitment period to use the service package purchased (hereinafter 'Membership with a Plan').

7.4. After choosing the Membership with a Plan, the User undertakes to use the service package for a period not shorter than that specified in the respective Membership Plan. If the User chooses the Membership with a Plan, the discounts specified on the Website at the time of ordering the service package shall apply for the period during which the User undertakes to use the respective Membership plan for the shortest time (hereinafter 'Discounts').

7.5. Membership shall commence and the Services under it shall commence from the date of payment for the respective service plan to the account of the Virtual School.

7.6. One Membership Payment Period shall consist of 30 (thirty) days (the 'Payment Period'). Payment Periods may not coincide with the calendar days of the month. The Website and the Terms assume that one month has 30 (thirty) calendar days, unless expressly stated otherwise.

7.7. The User can pay for the Membership using the following payment methods:

7.7.1. Credit or debit card.

7.7.2. Electronic bank payment.

7.8. Accepted cards and methods of payment through electronic banking are indicated on the Website. Only one of the payment methods listed on the Website may be eligible for different payment plans.

7.9. When paying with a payment card, periodic payments are made for one Payment Period. The first payment shall be made for the current Payment Period and the next payment shall be made for one future Payment Period. When paying by card, the User agrees that periodic payments will be made by debiting the User's payment card in advance each month before the start of each new Payment period without the separate consent of the User. The Virtual School has the right to charge the User's card until the beginning of the relevant Payment Period. As a rule, the payment card will be charged the day before the start of the new Payment Period. By choosing this payment method, the User assumes the responsibility to ensure to have at the time of submitting the payment request to the bank or payment institution the corresponding amount in the User's account. If the payment cannot be charged to the User's card, the User's membership shall be suspended at the end of the Payment Period for which the User has paid. In order to renew the membership, the User must contact the Virtual School using the contacts indicated on the Website.

7.10. When paying through electronic banking, all Payment Periods shall be payed for which the User undertakes to use the relevant Membership with a Plan for the shortest time. After selecting this payment method and after the respective Payment Periods have ended, in order to continue using the Services, the User must purchase a new Service Plan, i. e. in this case the Membership does not become indefinite.

7.11. The purchased Services are available to the User only during the Payment Period for which a payment has been made.

7.12. Upon the expiration of the minimum period specified in the User's Membership Plan, during which he/she has undertaken to use the relevant Membership Plan, the Membership shall become indefinite. If the Membership becomes indefinite or if the Membership is chosen without a Plan, the User shall pay for the Service Package constituting the Membership in accordance with the prices valid for the respective Payment Period indicated on the Website, without a Discount, i.e. the new prices of the Service Package indicated on the Website shall apply instead of the prices valid at the time of booking the Service Package.

7.13. The User has the right to terminate the Membership at any time by contacting the Virtual School using the contacts indicated on the Website. Membership shall terminate at the end of the Payment Period during which the User has unsubscribed from the Membership. For this Payment Period, the User may not be refunded and has the right to use the ordered Service Package until the end of the Payment Period.

7.14. Upon termination of the Membership with a Plan before the expiration of the shortest period during which the User has undertaken to use the respective Service Package, the User undertakes to return (pay) to the Virtual School all Discounts applied to the User under the respective Service Package, including for the current Payment Period. The above requirement shall not apply when the termination of the Membership takes effect after the expiration of the shortest period during which the User has undertaken to use the relevant Service Package. In the event that the User has paid in advance for all the Payment Periods for which he/she has undertaken to use the respective Service Package for the shortest time and all such Payment Periods have not yet expired, upon termination of the Membership by the User, the User shall be refunded for the Payment Periods not yet started, after deduction of the fee for the current Payment Period and Payment Periods prior to termination of the Membership, as well as the Discounts granted to the User, including for the Payment Period during which the User has terminated the Membership. If the minimum period during which the User has undertaken to use the Services has already expired or if the termination of the Membership becomes effective after the expiry of this period, the money for the Payment Periods prior to the termination of the Membership, including the Payment Period during which the Membership has been terminated, shall not be refunded.

7.15. The Virtual School shall have the right to unilaterally change the prices and payment procedure of the Services and Service Packages at any time. Such changes shall not apply to the current Payment Period, nor to any period of Membership with a Plan during which the User has undertaken to make the shortest use of the Service Package.

8. Cookie Policy

8.1. The Company uses cookies on the Website in order to distinguish Users from other users of the Website. In this way, the Company can ensure a more pleasant experience for Users browsing the Website and improve the Website itself. More detailed information on the cookies used and the purposes for which they are used can be found in the Cookie Policy, which can be found below.

9. Sending of information messages

9.1. The Virtual School sends all information messages, requirements, requests and other information to the User during the registration process to the e-mail address specified by the User or by any other means (SMS messages) by which the User can be reached, taking into account the Services used by the User. All information sent to the User under these Terms shall be deemed to have been received by the User on the day following its sending.

9.2. The User agrees that the phone number provided during registration will be used for communication between the Virtual School and the User via SMS messages (for information about lessons, lesson reminders, etc.). Communication between the Virtual School and the User may be interrupted at any time, when the User replies to the received SMS message with a 'STOP'. In this case, all relevant information will be provided to the User only at the e-mail address indicated during the registration.

9.3. The Virtual School shall not be liable for any and all disruptions of internet connection, e-mail service providers, networks or any other cause which results in the User not receiving information or confirmation e-mails from the Virtual School. The Parties agree that the storage of a copy of an e-mail or other message sent to the User on the server of the Virtual School (database or other device storing relevant information) is appropriate evidence of the sending of any information to the User.

9.4. The User sends all communications, requirements, requests and questions to the contact addresses indicated in the Contacts section of the Website or via an interactive chat window, a link to which is provided on the Website.

10. Final provisions

10.1. The law of the Republic of Lithuania shall apply to the enforcement and interpretation of the Terms.

10.2. The Virtual School and the User agree that the Virtual School may at any time transfer its rights and obligations arising from these Terms to third parties without the User's consent. In the event of such a transfer, the Virtual School will inform the Users by providing information about the transfer on the Website.

10.3. The Virtual School shall have the right to unilaterally amend and/or supplement these Terms at any time. Amendments and/or additions to the Terms shall enter into force after their publication on the Website. If the User continues to use the Website and/or the Services after the publication of the amendments and/or additions to the Terms, the User shall be considered to have unequivocally accepted all the amendments and/or additions to the Terms. If the User does not agree with the amended and/or supplemented Terms, he loses the right to use the Website and/or Services.

10.4. The Virtual School and the User agree that these Terms shall prevail over all explanations and descriptions of the Services available to the User on the Sites, as well as that all disputes between the parties will be resolved in accordance with these Terms.

10.5. If any provision of the Terms becomes or is found to be invalid, the remaining provisions of the Terms shall remain in force.

10.6. All disputes related to these Terms shall be resolved by negotiation. In case of disagreement, the disputes shall be settled according to the laws of the Republic of Lithuania.

Please note:

If the Membership has been paid for with a payment card:

  • All Memby plans are open-ended with a selected minimum commitment period.

  • If you purchase a 1-month plan, it will be automatically renewed every 30 days unless you cancel the automatic renewal on the Account Settings page.

  • If your chosen plan period is 3 or 9 months, the plan will automatically renew at the end of the commitment period, but the plan will become open-ended and you can cancel at any time.

  • If you wish to cancel your 3-month or 9-month subscription before the end of the committed term, an early cancellation fee will apply.

If the Membership has been paid for by immediate payment and e-banking:

In this case, the User may cancel the Membership only within the first 14 days, after which it is not possible to cancel the Membership. After choosing this payment method and after the expiry of the respective Billing Periods, in order to continue using the Services, the User must order a new Service Plan, i.e. in this case the Membership does not become open-ended.

Refund of money
It is important to us that every student has the best possible Memby experience. That's why we have introduced a Money Back Policy.

Once you have purchased a subscription from Memby, refunds are available upon cancellation within the first 14 days from the date of payment.

"Payment Date" in this Refund Policy refers to the date of purchase of the product or services. Refunds will only be issued if the request is received within the refund period specified for the relevant product.

In the event that the User has prepaid for all Billing Periods and has paid for the plan using e-banking, the User may only terminate the Membership within the first 14 days, after which termination of the Membership shall not be possible.

In case the User has paid for the Membership with a payment card, in order to cancel the plan before the end of the commitment period, this can only be done in exceptional cases by contacting our customer service team. If you really want to cancel your subscription before the end of the committed period, an early cancellation fee will apply. The fee is calculated at R 100 per month for the months during which you have been using Memby services. The amount of the cancellation fee will not exceed R 600.

Example: if you have a 9-month plan and you have used it for the second month, the cancellation fee will be R 200.

To cancel your plan within the first 14 days, please send an email to, leaving the following details:

  1. Payer's name;

  2. The student's account nickname and login email.